Goose Island 312 Day
The Second City’s area code gets its own holiday thanks to one very Chicago-y brewery.
Each March 12th is a date circled on many Chicagoans’ calendars, thanks to the city’s largest brewery and their reputation for throwing a good party. Well before anyone knew 3.12.20 would forever be a day etched in history, the ambitions of yet another ‘312 Day’ were still a glimmer on the city’s event calendar. Goose Island commissioned Malt to create a set of graphics for that day, playfully dubbed “A Totally Real Made-Up Chicago Holiday Celebration of Beer, Music & Area Codes.” We teamed up to create illustrations of the brewery’s famed beer of the same name, as well as a seal inspired by the city’s municipal “Y” mark–a reference to the downtown convergence of the two branches of the Chicago River.